Friday morning fun!

I love my Friday mornings- just me and my little monkeys (only morning with no school or agenda- we can do whatever we want!).
Started at the gym... There were all these big cardboard super heroes displays, and LJ wanted a picture with each one! But he wasn't very patient (or too excited) so sometimes he was already moving onto the next one by the time I got the picture!

Finally a good one!

Then to Target- I promised LJ he could pick out a new hat since all the Halloween stuff was 50% off. He kept asking for this terrible clown mask! Ugh! Barrett hates all clowns (I think most people our age that saw Stephen King's movie "It" do) and this one scares me! And I think Evan is a little scared too! Hah!

Then we went to the doctor because the boys have had runny, goopy eyes- wanted to make sure it wasn't pink eye. Doctor said it wasn't so we were cleared for swim/ socializing (although I still want to be careful with them).

Since I couldn't let LJ get the scary clown, I found another clown set with hair, a nose, etc for LJ (and thanks Sang for helping me convince LJ this was cooler!). It did the trick- instant success!

Clown nose!

Loves wearing the wig... Busy outside with the wig on...

LJ saying 'cheeeeeese'...

Think I need a different word- Don't get a great smile with cheese!

Then as I was changing Evan's diaper, LJ announced that he had found a bug, but not to worry. He had taken care of it! (Ugh oh!)
I came over and ask him to show we what he had done, and he held up the bottle of oxy-clean he sprayed a worm with! He first picked it up with some toilet paper and then sprayed the stuff on I think... He was so proud of himself! I definitely need to keep cleaning stuff up higher, but it was pretty cute!

So proud that he protected us all from the worm!

Evan happy to be strolling around the house!

Brothers playing!

Practicing piano- both boys are so into the piano lately! We have to play on it every day! Hoping to start lessons soon!

- The Wood Family


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