
Showing posts from January, 2013

Week Randoms

Here are a few moments from our week... LJ wore his aviator hat and pjs all morning- then topped it off by walking around the house in my shoes! Evan has full conversations with the yellow bird on his exersaucer- they're great friends! LJ learning how to use the electric screwdriver to put batteries in Evan's toy-- he's very good- Uncle Joe will be proud! Evan ate his first applesauce-loved it! His favorite food so far! 'Good morning' hugs for Evan! Evan loves LJ so much- always smiling and laughing at him! So cute! My shopping buddy... More hugs for Evan ... Although they kind of look like tackles sometimes! Ended the week with a family dinner at Waterloo- LJ has not stopped asking to go to the playground so we decided to take him to a restaurant with a playground! Evan took a post dinner nap while LJ played... LJ wanted to share his favorite monkey ears with his brother before bath time - and funniest thing is LJ now says, "we should take a picture!" I c

Booster Seat

Since Evan is eating now, it was time to have LJ give up the high chair so Evan can sit in it! So we got LJ a booster seat and new placemat- he loves both!!! - The Wood Family

Playground fun

LJ and I stopped at the Circle C park on Sunday for a little swinging and sliding... He climbed up the red ladder thing all my himself- he's definitely getting more daring! And he does the big slide! Then on Tuesday we found a great park behind Little Gym- cant believe we've never been here! Evan got to go down the slide with us for the first time! - The Wood Family

Happy Birthday Granny

Made our annual trip to Houston to celebrate Granny's birthday. We had a wonderful time! The best yard to explore- found again!! Football time- all the boys got some playing time in! Barrett giving LJ some technique tips! Eagle Jr running for a catch...  Eagle Sr showing the boys how it's done! And then Eagle Jr and LJ found the rocks and the water.... What's more entertaining than football? Picking which rocks make the biggest splash! Sweet cousins!! Time for Happy Birthday!!! All the 'greats' were very excited to help Granny blow out her candles!   LJ is a very clean little eater- he was getting sprinkles from his cupcake, dipping them into the frosting and sucking it off... Eagle Jr on the other hand was much more entertaining to watch! And no visit to Granny's house is complete until all the cousins have tried to squeeze into the dog cages! I hope Evan and Locke don't want to

Our Week

Monday LJ was so happy to go back to school- it had been a while between sickness and vacation, but he happily ran in to the class room and never looked back! Evan and I made it to our Stroller Strides class at the mall, and we got to see Sang and Kate after for a little coffee break! Then we had family dinner at Jack Allen's... And guess who made it again?! Baby Locke! Evan was happy to sit across from his new cousin! And LJ and Eagle Jr were happy conspirators at the end of the table! Evan actually spent most of the meal inQueenie's arms- where he prefers to be! Tuesday LJ had a great morning at Little Gym- he's really improving on the bars- he got up and walked on the lower bar to the center while holding on to the high bar, then let go and swung all by himself! He's also improving on the balance beam (going by himself and went backwards today) and on his rolls! Me and the little one... Calcy has started to be a little more involved in the boys' days- she often