
Showing posts from November, 2015

November 2015 Randoms

We had a full, fun month- and it flew by! Here are some moments from the month! The boys got a new Storm Trooper mask (post-Halloween deal) ... it's a hit around here! The Batman mask has competition! Dinner at Fudruckers - and our happy Ellie Grace..  It's finally getting cold enough for jackets... I still have little-to-no-say in what they wear, but I do love seeing what they pick out! I can't get Evan to wear pants, so our compromise has been long socks! And they both love hoods!!  Tramp time.. Ellie is getting braver on this thing - she is all over the place (don't know if that's good or bad!).  She's growing out of all her headbands and pulls them off very quickly now, so I have to get pictures when I can :) We had our friends Chasity, Justin, and their precious 6 month old girl Scotty Grace stay with us the weekend of Nov 6! Friends!!  Absolute Daddy's Girl! Vivo - fi