
Showing posts from February, 2015

February 2015 Birthday Celebrations

Got to celebrate many birthdays, had lots of love for Valentine's Day, and had a great month! We started the month with a trip to Houston to celebrate Granny! Ellie and Granny! She was mesmerized by her great-grandmother! Lunch time! Then we got to celebrate Ines' (or as we call her, Bebe's) 2nd birthday at Hoppin' House... the boys LOVE this place! Evan found someone to play ball with- he was so excited! Ellie celebrated by taking a good nap! Group picture time... And we got to celebrate Aunt Funny at Jack Allen's... And last but definitely not least, Eagle Jr had a camping party at his house for his 4th birthday... so cute and fun!!

Ellie the 4 Month Old

Ellie is 4 months!! She is such a happy, sweet baby! She smiles all the time, crinkles her nose, and kicks with joy! She does tummy time for much longer now - up to 10 minutes, and is slowly likely her jumperoo more and more (getting up to 10 minutes of time in there too- although she doesn't really reach well enough to jump yet). She sits in her bumbo, plays on her activity mat, sits in her new Chicco chair at our table while we eat, and loves being worn in the Bjorn carrier as I shop, walk around house, or play outside with the boys! Sleep: She still takes 1-2 naps in the morning (a longer 2 hour nap if at home or 2 short ones if out and about), and then a 2-3 hour afternoon nap starting around 2 pm most days.  We moved her bedtime to 7:30 pm, and she usually sleeps (with 1-2 feedings) 12 hours. The Paci: She started sleeping worse/ getting up (or getting me up- she goes immediately back down once paci is re-inserted!) more often as she became more dependent on