
Showing posts from April, 2014

April 2014 Randoms

Here are a few pictures from the month that did not make it in another post... the randoms off my phone!  B took the boys out one Saturday (which he does many Saturdays) so I could go work out, and sent me this picture! Haha! Sang and Laura car pool every day, and one day I had an appointment so Sang let LJ join in the car pool! He obviously thoroughly enjoyed himself! Thanks Aunt Sang!  LJ has been the best assistant with gardening, planting flowers, and watering the plants! I love my helper!!  My patriotic little sleeper! Silly boy! Holding hands at church. Hanging in the jeep (raining outside so we couldn't really ride it!). Evan walking with Uncle Dan... Nothing is more fun than peek-a-boo around a pole! And especially with cousin Kate! Driving around hugging Woody so tight! He loves Woody as much as LJ does!  Evan is obsessed with LJ! Hugging, loving and hanging on him all th

Update on LJ's Ears...

We went back to our ENT, Dr. Briggs, for a check up on LJ's ears after getting tubes put in last August.  LJ was in the best mood, and actually seemed excited to see the doctor! He got right to playing when we walked into the waiting room.  And then he was excited to sit in the chair and wait for the doctor... He loved this chair! And he told me all about the poster (so glad he was there to explain it to me!). We were happy to hear (no pun intended!) that everything looks great! The tubes are still in position and look perfect. LJ got sized for new ear plugs for the summer, and we are ready to get our swim on!! Just in time for our beach trip later this week! Yay!  

A visit from Aunt Patsy!

We had a short but WONDERFUL visit from Aunt Patsy! We picked her up on Thursday just before getting home for naps.  Then when the boys got up on Thursday afternoon, Barrett set up their new head phones for my car. The car did not come with the remote control or head phones needed to fully use the DVD player, so Barrett got online and figured out everything we needed (which Toyota seemed unable to do). And so now they can listen to movies on the DVD player in my car with their own head phones (so Barrett and I can listen to things other than the movie!), and the screen even splits in half so they can each watch their own show! I love this car- amazing! The boys were so excited to text out the new split screen, and head phones... well, LJ LOVES his head phones, but Evan is not the biggest fan! Hopefully he will grow into liking them as LJ has!  Thankfully Evan will sit there and watch without sound! Aunt Patsy eating breakfast with the boys on Friday morning at their