
Showing posts from May, 2014

Remodel: Post 1

Maybe not the most exciting post, but here is the story behind our remodel! Hope it's not too confusing! I will post after pics when it's done, so some may want to just wait for those!  We love our house, but knew there were a few things we may want or need to change as we grow into it. The first thing was a potential remodel upstairs. As we purchased our house, when you walk up the stairs, you walk into a playroom / loft area, with both boys rooms to the left (with a bathroom shared between the rooms) and a large media-type room (with no windows) to the right. The previous owners had twin boys that were seniors in high school when they sold the house- so this was probably the perfect set-up for them! This media room was used to house 3 flat screen TVs, 3 X-boxes, and three couches or favorite seating for each boy and their dad! But for us, the media room has been more of a waste of space/ huge storage closet! And now that we are expecting a baby, we knew this was the

El Paso Week One

On Friday morning- at about 5:45 am- we grabbed the boys out of their beds, loaded them in their cars seats, and hit the road -El Paso bound! Unfortunately, the boys did not sleep through the transfer to the car seat, so they were up the earliest I ever remember them being up! But they were happy little guys! LJ knew and expected to wake up 'driving to El Paso' and was so excited to be going! And they thought it was fun to be driving in the dark and watch the sun 'wake up'!  We kept him all snuggled up with his paci- but it didn't work! He stayed awake until after lunch! After a couples hours, we made our first stop at McDonald's to get some breakfast. I realized this is the first time the boys and I have ever eaten at McDonald's! But I must say, our egg white sandwiches were delicious!! Watch out Starbucks!  Evan has been very into wearing his sun glasses- he asks to put them on all the time! Still no naps- but happy and entertai