
Showing posts from July, 2014

July 2014 Randoms

Here are all the photos from July that I didn't post somewhere else! Dad dropping off LJ in Church class... check out their new matching Crocs!! Evan has them too now! Real Superheros (from the Bible) is the theme this month in KIDS section at church. Boys are learning about Moses, David and Goliath, etc. LJ is loving the stories, and both boys are really enjoying all the props they get (cool capes, masks, arm bands, etc).  Boys loves getting to see their cousins Kate and Lauren at Church! Evan and Kate...  Precious hugs!  Dinner time! LOVE this one of my boys!  Pottery Barn Kids was having a visit from a character called Wolfster from Super-Why (a PBS show the boys like to watch) with a story time- so we decided to run by.  Eagle Jr made it too! Hi-five for Wolfster!!  The boys are back in music class at Armstrong Community Music Center for the last summer session before s

Improntu Photo Shoot at 26 Weeks Pregnant!

As seen from previous posts, I am taking weekly photos of the fruit or vegetable that What to Expect or Baby Bump claim is the size the baby in my belly for that particular week!  Usually, getting the photo consists of Barrett (not excited to be the designated photographer for these weekly shots) taking about 30 pictures in 2 minutes or less and hoping I am satisfied with one! I move the fruit around quickly, turn to show more or less belly, and then it's over! The boys are usually around watching this, and I explain that the baby in my belly is about the size of whatever I am holding!  I would never bore you with the almost identical pictures I get taken every week- I just pick one, add the text saying which week it is, and move on!  Well, this week, LJ really wanted (and insisted) in being in the pictures with me! It was really cute! So here are all the pictures from that 5 (lasted a little longer than usual!) minutes!  When he ran to get Evan, B took a few of just