
Showing posts from May, 2018

LJ & Evan's Piano Recital Spring 2018

I am so proud of the progress the boys have made this semester playing piano! We have all dedicated ourselves to the cause- meaning I usually sit with each boy while they practice and help when I can (and make sure they do it as Ms. Annette instructs), the boys know they will practice most days of the week, and Barrett supports us and helps us make sure this gets done! All dressed up and ready for the show! Love these three so much!  Each boy played 3 songs. Evan got to go first since he is their teacher's youngest student!  So grateful for our supportive family!!!  Aunt Alexa came too! So special!   Barrett telling Evan how proud of him he is! How cute!  Here are videos of each boys' performance.  Evan's: v=Zjhw6ZMOf6o LJ's: v=rHpTOzOM40g