
Showing posts from May, 2016

Swim, Gymnastics, and Soccer - Spring 2016

After moving to Cedar Park, we got the boys in 3 'extracurricular activities'... Swim and Gymnastics on Thursday mornings, and soccer on Saturday mornings. They really seemed to enjoy all three! Ellie was usually surprisingly patient during their classes, although sometimes she had more crazy days! But usually she would walk around, have some snacks, and play!  Here are some pictures from all three activities the last two months, and there are some videos at the end of swim and gymnastics!  Evan swimming...  LJ floating... He flew through the first 5 stations of Nitro 1!  Evan was a little slower to warm-up to swim classes, but he ended up making through station 3 (will be on station 4 next time we go!).  I think she likes swim the most because she has a clear view to watch her brothers!     LJ swimming on his back...   this is new, and he is doing very well!   LJ had such great swim! He mastered swimming on his back for 10 yar