
Showing posts from October, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween!! The boys' classes both had Halloween PJ day and little celebrations, so they got to wear their favorite skeleton pjs!  Ellie was very excited for her first Halloween- well maybe she dreamed about being excited! Our plans for Friday night were to go to the Robinsons and trick-or-treat with cousins... Barrett was going to take the boys while I stayed back with Ellie and Laura and gave out candy. However, before we left, Barrett got a fever so had to stand down. Grandad and Queenie saved the day and changed their plans for the evening so Grandad could come walk the boys around Rollingwood with Eagle.   We were SO THANKFUL!!!  Boys got dressed in their Ninja Turtle (LJ) and Jake, from Jake and the Neverland Pirates (Evan), costumes! They were so excited!!!     About to head out with Grandad! I tried for a good picture... but they were ready to go. Sad I didn't get a better shot! But they both looked precious and had a BLAST!!! Can't thank Grandad and

The Rest of Ellie's First Week!

Well our little girl is home, and it's time to get into the swing of things! Thank goodness we have two weeks with Gigi here to help us!!  First morning home... Ellie's first wasn't too bad! Barrett held her for a couple hours so I could sleep- so we both got some rest!! She is sleeping in the one new piece of baby gear we have purchased- a rock and play. It is slightly inclined and cozy... and she seems to like it! Boys are super happy to have Gigi- and are happy to have Ellie too! A sweet cuddly moment between the brothers! LOVE!!! She is such a sleepy little thing!  A basket of pink clothes!! Never thought I would have one of these... feeling so excited and blessed!!! On Monday, we decided we needed to give her a good bath! We never got to at the hospital, and her hair was pretty gross! So our housekeeper Leti (who is AMAZING and we love!) said she would really like to help me. She pretty much did most of the bath! But this worked out so I co