
Showing posts from June, 2016

Camp Funtopia: Nature Camp 2016... Ellie's first summer Camp

I signed the boys up for a summer camp that is held at their new school from last spring, HOPE Presbyterian Preschool. The camp was not affiliated with the school, just held there.  Then a couple days before the camp started, the director called me and asked if I wanted Ellie to come along too! The age requirement was actually 2 years old, so I hadn't even considered it (Ellie won't be 2 until October), but they said they would make an exception since she is going to school there in the fall. I thought this would be a great chance to get her acquainted to the school and see how she does.  So Monday morning, I dropped all three of my babies off at Camp Funtopia- Nature Camp!  Can't believe all three get to be here!  The boys were so excited to have Ellie with them and promised to take great care of her (and I got wonderful reports that they did!). All the kids were basically hanging around each other, although they would separate by age for some activities. But I th

Barrett's Birthday- 2016

Barrett's 36th birthday!!!  Our date nights are usually pretty calm- and in our true form, his birthday celebration consisted of hanging at the bar in our favorite theater, Movie House and Eatery for dinner and drinks, and then a great movie! Nothing fancy, but such a wonderful night with my wonderful husband!  Also, a few days before Barrett's actual birthday, we had a combined birthday dinner with some of our great friends, the Cookes. Matt also had a birthday a couple weeks ago, so we had a double celebration! The kids were all very excited to help blow out candles and eat cake!! A few years ago, Barrett was reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to LJ (I don't even know if the other two had come yet!), and he had a funny moment of, "OH MY GOSH- how does a caterpillar ACTUALLY CHANGE into a BUTTERFLY!" It is really a crazy thing!!! He looked up several videos, and we laughed about how something you have known as fact for so long can actua

Father's Day 2016

If you ever wonder what it is looks like have 3 small people completely obsessed with you and adore you more than anything, come hang out at our house and watch our kids with Barrett!!!  I often task LJ with working on a card for someone or something during everyone else's rest time, but the day before Father's Day, I went to go meet Baby Cora and just left him with a work book page to finish before he could watch the iPad. Barrett was taking a nap, but said he woke up to this on his body! LJ did this COMPLETELY on his own- because he loves his dad so much!! And I love this card so SO much!!!  We did have an actual greeting card picked out for Barrett, which was supposed to be from all three kids, but LJ took most the space! Hah! Working on signing it- while Evan waits patiently for his turn!!  The finished product! LJ took so much space that the other two mostly got the back of the card and then envelope!!   Barrett opening his gifts.