
Showing posts from October, 2016

Halloween Night 2016

In September, the boys had lots of ideas about what to be for Halloween (pilots, superheroes, Star Wars characters, sports players), but then when we were at Target at the beginning of October, they each found a costume they insisted was THE ONE! And they were on sale so I pounced!  LJ picked a Ninjago Lego Ninja (the red one, Kai, which I learned this year!), and Evan wanted to be Han Solo. I showed Ellie the Chewbacca costume to match Evan, and she laughed! So I decided it was worth a try! And it worked! Yay!  We were very excited to be in a kid friendly and great trick-or-treating neighborhood this year for Halloween!  We have a perfect street of just about 25 houses that we could trick or treat around. And then our friends (and also very close neighbors just a few streets away) invited us to a pot luck Halloween party/ trick-or-treating. So we attempted both! We got bathes done early and costumes on by 5 pm, and then walked half of our street. No one was ready for us, but we

Fall Sports 2016- LJ T-Ball

LJ played his first season of T-ball with Town and Country Sports. He really enjoyed playing T-ball, and he improved so much over the season!  We had Thursday evening practices and most often Saturday morning games, although there were a few exceptions of games on week nights.  Ellie always keeping me busy at practices and games! Going down this pole was one of her favorite pass-times!  First game! They always had a little warm up session before the games.  LJ's buddies Rex and Ren were on his team.  LJ up to bat... Coach  Chad giving some pointers before he hits!  These two hitching a ride in Missy's wagon! We need one of these! Game day fans!  Evan was in costume and very serious about watching his brother!  He looks so serious!! I love this little face! Week night practice...  Ellie found her favorite lap- Missy!  Here is a quick video of LJ playing... he had many great hits and made so many home r

October 2016 Randoms

Here are some random fun memories from October... Ran into our sweet friend, Keri, and she happen to have Ellie's birthday present in her car- a precious little Mini-mouse! Happy Ellie- she is obsessed with her new stuffy!! Evan and his play date buddy Leo shooting hoops! LJ had his first school field trip, and I got to join. And since only the room moms got to go, those that could join met for a quick coffee before! Each class had the same shirt in a different color! I wish I had a picture of the 200 kindergarteners in their matching, colorful shirts! So cute! But here is a small representation! It was a play at the Georgetown Theater. Basically it was a musical about the Three Little Pigs, but with the wolf on trial so you get to hear his side of the story! Cute! LJ and some of his best buddies from class! The kindergarteners filled up the entire theater! Barrett has been making these two very happy and taking them to school some days! They LOVE getting to ride