
Showing posts from August, 2017

August 2017, Part 2

The end of summer was full and fun! We so loved our time together, but these monkeys were ready to get back to their friends!  August 14: Play date at a park with the McDonnell Clan! And the squirrels were so friendly and cute!   Then we headed to the aquarium...   My two boys no longer nap- ever! But we go a lot, and sometimes they just pass out (and almost always in the car)!  LJ wanted me to take this picture for Ben! Ben taught him a lot about cars, and he was excited to see a real Ferrari! 8-16:  Good morning from Ellie Grace!!  And these silly monkeys!  We really enjoyed our last few days of summer for LJ... smoothies at Juiceland!  8-17: We had a wonderful morning with Christine and precious Cora! 8-18:  The kids have to go to the gym with me often! They usually love it and rarely complain...  And I often reward us all with Smoothies after!   Impromptu fun at the park by our house... a huge sand b