
Showing posts from March, 2014

March 2014 Randoms

LJ Putting up his St. Patrick's Day window gel things.  Heading to school on St. Patrick's Day... He looked so cute! Milk face Evan! One shot of both boys at drop off!  'Aunt' Sara was in town from New York, and she spent the morning with Evan and me... He loved her! And she bought LJ really cool glow-in-the-dark planet stickers that they put up together! LJ catching Evan coming down a slide- such a helpful big bro! With my girlfriends in town, Barrett and the boys had a lot of 'boy time'! Here they are having a movie and pizza night! Too cute!! If I get a smoothie from the gym, Evan hogs the whole thing! I am lucky to get a few sips in!! Now he's a smoothie face! Finally let go of the cup after about 40 minutes! And thankfully there is a little left for me (glad I got a large!). Happy boy! Silly aviator! These boys play out side as much as possible! Hard to get

Watching LJ

Evan and I got to St. David's a little early to pick LJ up from school, so we sat in the stairwell where we could watch him play. Evan just wanted to go get him... he was so excited to spot him and just repeated his name over and over pointing at him!  Here is a video... Evan LOVES his brother! v=L3RW0JAUaNc

LJ "Woody"

LJ slept in his favorite Woody pjs, and in the morning insisted on getting his boots on before he would sit down to eat breakfast.  After breakfast, he went upstairs to search for his hat, and this is what he was doing next!  I think Barrett helped him come up with the name, but him running around all dressed up yelling it was more than I could handle! Toy Story  forever!!!! v=TJVyRZ1ozfQ

Happy little hugger!

The most cuddly, happy boy! He was just sitting there hugging Barrett smiling as big as possible! 


This kid has no problem taking a load off and relaxing on the couch!

Choking Hazard

I was playing fetch with a little bouncy ball Bella found (below), and LJ grabbed it and said, "No mom! Bella can't play with that ball- it's a choking hazard!" Yes LJ, you are right!

Don't sleep in...

Although we sleep with a monitor into both boys' rooms right by our bed, they often wake up and don't complain for a while so don't wake us up (we are lucky!).  So Barrett and I accidentally slept until about 8:30 am on Saturday.  Evan was stirring when I got up, but LJ had apparently been up for a while.  He did his new favorite pass-time, removing the mattress from the bed! Here is the exact scene I walked in to... lights on and everything. NO idea how long he had been up!


LJ is growing up too fast, and becoming so independent! He gets his own snacks and puts them on plates or in bowls by himself, gets his own utensils, picks his own cups, fills them with water from the refrigerator, and he often gets Evan his own of the same things. Picking out a snack from the refrigerator...

Fun at Aunt Funny's

Just a fun and relaxing evening hanging out at the Robinson's House! Weather was perfect and kids had a blast! Dads hanging out...  Playing with a bucket of sand...  Kate came and sat next to me on the bench (heart melt!). So I asked if she wanted to take a selfie! She said yes, and even said 'selfie' and smiled as I clicked on the picture! I love this little girl! Eagle Jr pulling LJ around in a wagon... this is no easy or light task- Eagle Jr is strong!!  Evan impressing the dads with his lawn-mowing skills! More wagon play! Thanks for a fun evening!

Celebrating Lauren's 8th birthday

On Saturday we got to have lunch at Hat Creek (our usual Saturday lunch spot, Vivo, is closed while they relocate so we will have to venture out for a month or so) to celebrate Lauren's 8th birthday!  It was a rainy morning, and I finally remembered to put Evan's rain coat on- he looked so cute!  Time to sing! Lauren 'conducted' us!  So happy we got to celebrate with you precious Lauren! Happy 8th birthday!!