
Showing posts from August, 2015

WHPP First Day of School 2015

The boys are back in school at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Preschool (WHPP)! They will be in school Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. This is the first time they are at the same school 4 days a week!  LJ started in the 4s/ Pre-kindergarten class with Ms Leska and Ms Meredith, and Evan is in the 3s class with Ms Alison and Ms. Diane. We missed meet-the-teacher days (where kids get to go in with parents to see their rooms, meet teachers and other kids, get comfortable with room, etc) because we were in Idaho, so we headed into the first day of school without having met anyone or knowing who would be in their classes!  LJ was very excited for school to start! He got dressed all by himself super quickly and kept saying he was ready to go! I was so happy to see him like this!!  Evan, on the other hand, was a mess! He did not sleep well the night before (I think he was anxious), woke up too early, and then went back to sleep. So at 8:30 I went in to wake him up again an

August 2015 Randoms

Many big events this month (Evan's 3rd bday, Ellie 10 months, El Paso trip, Idaho trip, school starts) with their own posts... but here is everything else!! Every day is a fun adventure with these two! I have decided to give up trying to match them, and instead let them each pick out /put on their own outfits. They are doing a great job, and I love seeing what they choose (although it's usually one of the same favorite things).  Evan is in Woody pj top, camo shorts, and Batman rain boots; LJ is just in Batman shirt and mask! But they picked out and put all of this on all by themselves!  Evan goes through several outfits on any given day! The amount of laundry has increased significantly around our house! Before leaving the house, he changed again and added a Cowboy jersey over his Woody shirt, changed out of camp to his favorite soccer shorts, and kept his favorite Batman rain boots. LJ really likes picking out his own clothes and has preferences, but overall he is

Idaho August 2015: Part 3 of 3

Thursday- Day 4 of being in Idaho! Had our breakfast and got right to playing!  å While Ellie took her morning nap, Queenie and Grandad did gardening and bubbles with the boys while Barrett and I got to go for a run! We had to take the bear bells again, but completed a challenging 4 miles at that altitude!! Can't remember the last time we got to run together- I could barely keep up with Barrett!!  We came home to some happy, bubbly boys! That afternoon, all the 'Wood Men' went for a fun ride in the mule!!!  While Ellie finished up her nap, Queenie, Grandad and the boys went to go pick up pizza in town. I enjoyed the amazing view and weather on the balcony with a glass of wine! Heaven!! Then Ellie woke up and joined me in the exersaucer!!  Her blond streak is looking more like a patch as her hair grows out!! I love it! Then I let her crawl around while I got everything in, and she was having too much fun through the