
Showing posts from June, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I am 32 weeks pregnant now - or 8 months ( in pregnancy months so 10 months is due date)... and so I think it's about time for an update! We have been so blessed with a very good pregnancy over all! Evan is an active little guy, and although he keeps me up a lot, I absolutely LOVE getting to feel him so much! We have scheduled a c-section for Monday, August 13 at noon!  We decided on this date for a few reasons: 1. Evan will be exactly 22 months younger than LJ 2. My Doctor is on call and working from the hospital where we will be delivering - Seton Southwest- so she will be very available if anything is needed throughout the day (hopefully not!).  3. This was my original due date I will be 39 weeks pregnant, and 2 1/2 weeks less pregnant than when I delivered LJ!  HOWEVER if Evan decides to come any time before the 13th, I will be trying for a 'natural' birth.   Below are some pictures of my belly as it has grown- along with our little Evan! 4 Weeks Pregnant

Quincy's Birthday Party

A friend of LJ's, Quincy, had her 2nd birthday party today out in Dripping Springs at a place called Fizbin Farms. Got to see gots, play in water, see all his best friends... it was a great time!! LJ recognized this as a goat right away, and  said "Maamaa!" LJ and Barrett in their matching shirts looking at the goats and chickens! LJ and Eagle playing in the water... Squirting himself in the face... So funny!! Peek a boo out of the little castle/tent     My Amazing Mama friends! And 4 of us expecting #2:   Laura 17 wks, Sam 32 wks, Sang 38 wks, Jodel 39 wks ... Our last chance for a picture together before at least 2 of the babies make their arrival!! Little Eagle cooling himself off! Playing with the birthday girl!

The most amazing dad!

Big week for celebrating Barrett- Father's Day last Sunday and his birthday today! Happy happy Father's Day and Happy happy birthday to the most amazing father I know! You are the light of your son's life, and I am in awe of how awesome you are with LJ everyday! And now we have another little man on the way - what lucky boys! Tickling, playing, running, hugging... LJ loves it if it's with his dad and just asks for "more more more"!

A peek at our week

We had a very fun and busy week... here are a few of the memorable moments! LJ basically only has his paci in his bed (during naps or night time). But while shopping on Monday, LJ went digging in my diaper bag and found one! He was so excited- put it in his mouth and looked up at  me so happy and proud of himself! 'Sharing' my smoothie at the gym cafe after doing very well in the child center on Tuesday morning! Yogurt covered pretzels as an after nap snack... not the best idea- had a lot of yogurt to clean off of couch, clothes, ottoman, etc afterwards! Play time with Dad before bed on Wednesday! Spent Thursday afternoon at a splash pad... and LJ LOVED it! He did not want to get out of the water, and was so happy the whole time we were there! Playing with Ben and Piper - and making the water splash poor Ben in the face! Driving home from the splash pad- one happy little man! Friday morning we met our friends