
Showing posts from March, 2018

Easter weekend 2018

Three day count down until Easter Sunday....  Ellie was excited to wear her Easter shirt - and the rest of her outfit was her pick! Thank goodness these two usually love (and often even ask) me to take their picture before school! Haha!  Preparing for Easter... note to self, don't leave baskets at Skye level!  Good Friday- I had a planned play date with an impromptu egg hunt! Why not!? It's almost Easter, and we all had too many plastic eggs lying around!  Counting eggs and checking out prizes!  They worked up an appetite!  It's almost this girl's birthday!!! Will never forget watching this beautiful angel come in to the world!! Love my Josie!  My sweet friends that made our Friday morning so fun!  LJ and his buddy listening to Evan during his piano lesson... lounging on the dog bed!  Then, LJ headed to a sleep over at his best friend's house. It was Lucas' first sleep over! T

McDonnell Egg Hunt 2018

We got to kick of our 'egg-hunt' season by attending the 6th Annual McDonnell Egg hunt the week before Easter! This is our favorite one of the year- they always do such an awesome job! And this year was even more amazing!!  We share Jaime with the McDonnells. so all these girls have a claim on her (and they all take it!)!  Ellie was so excited to see 'her Jaime' there! Josie loves Uncle B and always runs to his arms!  The kids all ready to hunt!!   These 2 cousins stayed together for most of their hunt!     Ellie was collecting pink camo eggs!   Little besties hunting together!      Digging through the egg prizes- and maybe snacking on a few!   Confetti Egg time! Yay!!           Egg toss! My first year to compete... We didn't last long! I launched the egg way too far for B to catch about the 3rd time I threw it! Sorry! I was nervous!