
Showing posts from March, 2015

March 2014 Randoms

What a month! Visitors, a trip to El Paso, Spring Break, getting ready for Easter... it all flew by! Here are all the pictures that didn't make another post! My shopping buddy!  Our dear family friend Kathy joined us for dinner at Vivo- so wonderful to catch up!  Trying to feed Ellie rice cereal (now that she is 4 months)... she isn't really grasping eating yet. Most of the food gets pushed right back out with her tongue!   Ellie got her first shades! So cute!!  Evan helping me make muffins!  We are LOVING our new trampoline! We jump every day the weather allows! Trampoline time is a bigger request than iPad time- this is huge!!! Thanks Gigi!!        March 5... Evan examining a bug on the trampoline...   We decided to make our own Friday night pizza.... I must say it turned out pretty delicious!  These two!  A birthday party for Duke at the Austin Zoo...    Rainy day so the animals came to us! This