Evan is 6 weeks old

Here is the 6 week old!

Happy 6 weeks to our little Evan!
He's growing so fast!

And LJ loves his little brother and is getting better with him every day! He now puts the paci in Evan's mouth very gently!

Sleep: We have usually been getting at least one 4-6 hour stretch of sleep for about a week- except last night when he was up every 3 hours... We think it's the 6 week growth spurt!

Eating: he is not a good nurser, but be attempt it about 1-2 times a day. Then I pump to give him bottles of breast milk... We just upped his bottles to 3.5-4 oz per bottle for a total of about 25 oz a day.

Temperament: quick to scream at us but usually quick to calm down too! Loves and prefers being in arms! Wants to sleep there as much as possible!
Awake more and definitely making more eye contact. Only a few smiles so far- nothing compared to LJ who smiled all the time starting around 5 weeks!

Here are some comparison shots of LJ and Evan:
LJ on the left and Evan on the right...

LJ on the top and Evan below...

And here are some of LJ from5 and 6 weeks- so smiley already! First three pics are LJ at 5 weeks...

LJ at 6 weeks...

- The Wood Family


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