Quaran-Teaming Time!!!

After getting the call from my neighbor, Christine, at 12:45 am on Friday morning, I jumped out of bed and headed straight to her house to take over watching her 3 girls while they went to have their fourth!! So SO exciting!!

Last pregnant photos!!! Ah!! 
It doesn't matter that it is almost 2 am when a new little human is on their way into the world!! 

 Woke up to a precious little Coco staring at me! haha! Asked her if she wanted to cuddle for a minute before getting out of bed. The girls knew I would be staying with them when their parents went to the hospital, but this was a little sooner than expected! So I was SO relieved that all 3 were as excited to see me as I was to see them!! 
 Then Annie joined us while we waited a few more minutes for Adeline to come down! Sweet sisters! 
 Breakfast pictures for their parents! 
 Silly faces! 
 A little fresh air / outside time before we head to Mapache to get my kids (Barrett has a full day of work so I need to get them!). 

 Thank goodness for minivans! haha! 
 These kids were SO excited to see each other!!! We have't played with other kids in over a month, and this is like Christmas! haha! Also, girls have never been to Mapache, so they are so excited to explore and check it all out! 

 Evan's asking her about the princesses! So cute! 
 Each boy took a little girl to be in charge of while we were exploring (with me too of course!). 

Girls loved all the wild flowers we got to pick!  

Ellie introducing them to her roly poly collection! 

LJ showing Annie the one of his frog friends! 

 Girls working on a puzzle inside! 

 While these two moved on to Tinkertoys! 
 Decided to stay for lunch before heading back home! I think this was the perfect distraction and break for us this morning! 
 A car full of kids I love!! 
 And... all out but Ellie (who desperately needed a nap too!). 
 15 mins of group iPad time so I could get snacks made and regroup! 
 Their precious dog Charlie even came to play!! 
 And around 3:45 pm, we got the text that baby Marinette has arrived around 3:15!!! We all cried as I congratulated the girls on their newest sister!!!  

Later than evening we got to FaceTime and virtually meet this precious baby girl!! 

 LJ had his first book club meeting... just him and 3 other boys will be meeting every week to discuss a book. First up was Magic Finger! 


While LJ has his book club Zoom, we had an ice break and played with kinetic sand! 

 Always dress-up time around here! 
Barrett made it home for dinner! Yay!! Me with my Friday crew!! So fun!! 
 And a little movie time to end our time together! 
 Annie LOVES Barrett!! It's so precious!!
 And time to get these girls to bed!! Found some presents on their porch... guess the word is out that baby sister Marinette has arrived!!! 
 John actually made it home not long after they went to sleep, so I went back home. Ellie loved her dad putting her to bed though!! 

We didn't get the girls back until late morning, and we had a wonderfully fun Saturday just hanging with them! 
 We had lots of outside time, craft time, science time, bath time, and then dinner! I didn't give them a nap today, and poor little Annie and Coco were worn out! 

 Annie barely even ate dinner before she fell asleep on me, and we lost Coco within minutes of turning our movie on! I think they actually both transferred to bed and slept the whole night for dad!! 

We absolutely LOVED our time with these precious girls, and can't wait to get to play with them regularly again!!! They will go with their dad to pick up Christine and Marinette tomorrow, so our Quaran-Teaming can end! But we sure LOVED it, and can't wait to help out however we can!! 


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