Corona Quarantine Week 5

Week 5 ....Here we go!

Time to get to work! Got our head wrapped around what the district is giving us, and ready to knock out some of our assignments! 

We have to take pictures of all our work to turn in on Google classroom. Evan's teacher prefers hand-written work turned in, and LJ's usually prefer typed up. 
One of LJ's assignments this week was to build 3 different types of paper airplanes, and compare their flight! Fun!! 
Capi and Gigi got him just the book to use! 

Ellie is very excited to be learning he sight words, and she loves writing on my work-board! haha! 

 Brain break with GoNoodle!

 PE  - Dice game! Roll the dice and do whatever activity it lands on!

Mama needs her workout too... I like this one! 
We got lots of online learning videos. 
Mapping out our hearts! 
Airplanes flying! 
The Easter bunny brought us more kinetic sand... this is their favorite thing!!  And this set is really cool because you can combine colors of sand to get new colors (a little science!).

Ellie has been very into helping me cook, wash, and chop! I love my little helper!

Socially sitting for a minute with my precious and very pregnant neighbor. She is due in 2 weeks (but ready to go any minute!).  We have remained social distanced from everyone else for a month now, and I plan to take her kids when she goes into labor!

Bike ride to the pond.. they had to see what the rain brought in (and it was a LOT of perch!!). 
Working away! 

Ellie has a new learning program online, and she is loving it!! 

Bonus science... order us some new caterpillars!!! WE love getting them in the spring and watching them grow, form chrysalis, and then we release the butterflies! Ellie has been begging this year! I realized she was only 3 the last time we did it, and she really doesn't remember! 
 I can't believe how little they are!!

Hard little workers!!! 

A little Home-Ec today too- cooking pumpkin bread with me! 
Everyone has their favorite job! 

We worked hard Monday through Wednesday, and then Thursday Barrett takes the kids out to Mapache for a day of outdoor adventure and dad school!! This is so awesome, and as we have been having to get things finished up around the house, it's helpful to have a day without kids at the house.

And this has become my run day!! I have run one day a week every week since the gym closed. No kids means I get to leave the house! This was my longest run in a looooong time! (I know that 3.5 miles is not very long, but I am not a runner!)
Evan after his first big bike fall... scraped his knee up pretty well :( But taking it in stride! 
LJ always manages to find a little frog friend at Mapache! hah! 

Gigi sent us masks!! Thanks!! 
Spent the night at Mapache... this girl may actually love taking photos more than me! I love it! 

A week into riding his bike, and he had his first big fall! And then his second a few hours later! Poor guy!!! We were so proud of how he got back up and kept at it! Way to go Evan!! Looking awesome!

THEN... Thursday night/ Friday morning around 12:45 am, I got the call!! My neighbor Christine's water broke, and they needed to head to the hospital! I jumped out of bed and went to their house to sleep in their bed while they went to have a baby!!! 
Yay!!!! Let our Quaran-Teaming begin!!


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