Corona - Week 6 (but who's counting!)

Our online school assignments will now be available starting Sundays! I was hoping for this, but then barely glanced at them! Hah! 
I told the kids we need to stay focused and get through most our work at the beginning of the week so we could play more towards the end of the week. This worked very well!! 

We got in several hours of hard work on Monday, and it felt great to start the week productive! 

 Evan's work: 
Uses of water: 
 LJ's work: 

 Making shapes from house hold items... or mom's bags! haha! 
 We are out of fresh fruits, so we have been having lots of smoothies! And thank goodness, the kids are loving them (thank you Arbonne Protein Mix!). Ellie LOVES doing most of the work to prepare them, and I love my little helper! 

We went to Mapache for our school work on Tuesday... 

One project this week was to make names out of natural resources... Mapache was a fun place to do this! 

Dropping off dinner to neighbors, and she wants a picture! haha! I love it! 

 Evan's journal writing!  
 LJ working on Natural Disasters! 

Back home and back to the yard!! Today, the lizards have all their attention! They are playing a game of who let's it crawl on them for the most seconds without grabbing it! hah! 

 Ellie did a Zoom Princess Scavenger Hunt class with her favorite dance instructor!! She had so much fun!! 
 Aladnin's magic carpet...
Rapunzel's pan... 
 Belle's book... 
 Then they would dance around to each princess song! 

Thursday: The kids went back to Mapache with Dad while I get stuff done around the house!! 

 Relaxing while they getting The Magician's Nephew read to them!!

I told the kids when we finish all our assignments for the week, we can have Fun Fridays!!! I hope to have a fun surprise of some sort for them on these days. It was beautiful outside, so they spent almost the entire day splishing, splashing, sliding, and jumping! Their surprise was a new sprinkler to run through, and we also got out the very old (and tiny) baby pool and slip-n-slide we had! They had a blast!! 

 We even had pizza for lunch and ice cream for our afternoon snack! This is the real deal!  

Evan has had a very loose tooth for so long, and he wants it pulled so badly! I have never been able to get them out! But somehow, when he brought me a paper towel at dinner and asked me to try, I found my grip and got it on the second try! yay!!! His fourth tooth to loose, and my first ever to pull out!! Way to go Evan!!
 He is so proud of his gaps!! haha!! 

I must quickly back-track.... On October 3, 2019, we began watching the Marvel movie series with the kids (10 mins to over an hour at a time, depending on what we had!). This includes 21 movies (excluding Hulk which we skipped) that Barrett and I saw every one of in the movie theater starting in 2008! We LOVE these movies! 

On Saturday, after watching ALL these movies with the kids in chronological order (not release order), we finished Avengers End Game together! This was a very big deal around here! 
Can't believe they will know the 'end game'!!!
Then Aunt Sang dropped off a very exciting, delicious and fun surprise! Cookies and icing!! What an awesome treat!!

Then we had a quick birthday parade- only 5 houses down!! We love you Christine!! 
Sunday we worked on cleaning upstairs and kids' rooms, with some outside breaks in the middle!
I am so happy to have a new biking buddy!! 
Got some one-on-one time with kids on their own rides!
Ellie wanted to practice her 'Splat' pose!! I think it looks pretty good! hah! 

And that's a wrap on our week!! 


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