Evan 14 Months

Evan has really started to show us his little personality! He is getting more of an opinion everyday, and we are loving it! He does several signs now and is much more vocal.
His most common words are "Mama" "Ugh oh" "Bath time" "Hi" "Bye" "Da" for dog and most animals say "Mmmmmoo". A sheep finally (as of this week) says Ba... Lots to work on!
Signs he most commonly does: dog, milk, please, thank you (also blow kisses), all done, shoes, mom, dad, bath time, cat, fish, hungry

Here is a video of him from his 14 month birthday (also LJ's 3rd bday)!


Other things about Evan at 14 months:
-Usually still takes 2 naps (short morning and longer afternoon)
-Sleeps 7:30pm- 7:30 am more or less
-Loves his paci, but only gets it in crib now; he drops it into his crib every morning when I pick him up and then gives me a high five
-Obsessed with remotes!!! His favorite is the remote for the blinds in his room.
-Two bottles of milk a day first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. Milk in straw cup through out the day.
-Loves eating and eats almost anything. Can't get him to eat my eggs, but he loves egg tacos from Farmer's Market!
-Loves dancing, balls, being outside, bath time/water, and thinks his brother is the funniest person in the world!


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