Saturday with Kate and Lauren

After the Farmer's Market and Vivo on Saturday, we had got to have Kate and Lauren, Lj and Evan's cousins,  come spend the afternoon with us!  It was so nice! 

Evan was especially cheesy at Vivo today- it was gross! I missed the shot of him picking up the plate and licking cheese off it, but here is the moment after! 

Back at the house, we for right to playing! First we did chalk on the driveway...

LJ wrote his name the best I've seen all by himself! I was so proud!
Next- time for jumping!

Then a little basketball!
And of course we had to get a little workout in!! 
Back inside to start winding down for nap time...cousins comparing iPad apps!
Evan asked to go right to sleep so LJ got the girls to himself for story time! These fabulous readers took turns reading books to him, and he loved it!

Such a full and fun morning that both boys fell asleep hard- and took record naps! So I got to sneak off with my nieces for a girls afternoon of hot chocolate and pedicures!!!

Our painted toes!!
 Thanks so much for such a fun afternoon girls- please come again soon!!


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