Rodeo 2014

On Tuesday we had a special surprise for the boys- Barrett took a few hours off in the morning to go to the rodeo with us!!

First stop- Pony rides!

Evan was yelling at the goat- I was a little nervous, but the goat didn't mind at all! Hahah! It was so funny!

Both boys LOVED holding the baby goats! 

Next stop: Pig Races! This is probably my favorite part! Wish I had taken a picture of the actual race- I was too busy enjoying it! 

Little snack while we wait... 

And last but not least, LJ and I got to ride a few rides together! He loved them! One was a little roller coaster- LJ's first! And on the last time down the hill, he even put his arms up and yelled all by himself! 
Barrett and Evan waiting on us... 

Fun as usual!! See you next year Rodeo!! 


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