Evan- the 4 Month Old!
Evan turned 4 months old on Thursday, December 13.
Here is a picture of Evan at his appointment on his 4 month bday:
4 Month Stats (taken 12-13-12):
Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz (25-50%)
Height: 25 in (25-50%)
Head Circumference: 43 cm (85-95%)
For comparison purposes, here is LJ's 4 month stats (taken 2-16-11):
Weight: 13 lbs 3.2 oz (10-25%)
Height: 25.25 in (50-75%)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (80%)
Sleep: So far, he is a pretty good sleeper overall (yay!). Throughout the month, he has transitioned from several naps a day to about 4, and he usually takes a 2-3 hour mid-afternoon nap (while LJ naps). The last 2 weeks we have been putting him in his crib for this nap, and most days he stays there and does very well. If he stirs too much, we just bring him down stairs, and he'll continue sleeping in the nap nanny (until LJ wakes up and torments him!).
We have been working on slowly moving his nighttime routine up/ earlier... so bath is now 8-8:15 and bed by 9:15 at the latest... he is also going to sleep much easier! Most night we are able to just lay him down very tired, and he will put himself to sleep. He still gets up once in the middle of the night, usually between 3:45-4:45. I bring him down stairs to feed him / pump, which takes an hour, but then he goes right back to sleep for 2-3 hours.
Eating: He is on mostly breast milk, although all pumped as he does not nurse well. He is still drinking about 22-26 oz a day, usually 6-7 bottles of about 4 ounces.
He has had brown rice cereal a few times. The first time was on Dec 11 (right before turning 4 month). He did ok with it, but definitely needs practice! I really need to figure out a convenient time to feed him as we are often on the go for lunch and he takes his last nap of the evening during our dinner!
Activity: He is a very happy and smiley baby, and he loves attention! He is getting very chatting and often squeals with joy- I call it the Mariah Carey! His favorite place is still in arms! He has rolled twice on the same night at just over 3 months... and not again since!? He does sit up for a few seconds though, has strong legs, and squirms all over (just no rolling!). He loves his exersaucer and has a strong grip and really likes holding things.
We were very late on taking his four month photos, but better late than never! These were taken on 12-30-12 so at 4.5 months....
And the comparison between LJ and Evan......Crazy to me!
Here is a picture of Evan at his appointment on his 4 month bday:
4 Month Stats (taken 12-13-12):
Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz (25-50%)
Height: 25 in (25-50%)
Head Circumference: 43 cm (85-95%)
For comparison purposes, here is LJ's 4 month stats (taken 2-16-11):
Weight: 13 lbs 3.2 oz (10-25%)
Height: 25.25 in (50-75%)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (80%)
Sleep: So far, he is a pretty good sleeper overall (yay!). Throughout the month, he has transitioned from several naps a day to about 4, and he usually takes a 2-3 hour mid-afternoon nap (while LJ naps). The last 2 weeks we have been putting him in his crib for this nap, and most days he stays there and does very well. If he stirs too much, we just bring him down stairs, and he'll continue sleeping in the nap nanny (until LJ wakes up and torments him!).
We have been working on slowly moving his nighttime routine up/ earlier... so bath is now 8-8:15 and bed by 9:15 at the latest... he is also going to sleep much easier! Most night we are able to just lay him down very tired, and he will put himself to sleep. He still gets up once in the middle of the night, usually between 3:45-4:45. I bring him down stairs to feed him / pump, which takes an hour, but then he goes right back to sleep for 2-3 hours.
Eating: He is on mostly breast milk, although all pumped as he does not nurse well. He is still drinking about 22-26 oz a day, usually 6-7 bottles of about 4 ounces.
He has had brown rice cereal a few times. The first time was on Dec 11 (right before turning 4 month). He did ok with it, but definitely needs practice! I really need to figure out a convenient time to feed him as we are often on the go for lunch and he takes his last nap of the evening during our dinner!
Activity: He is a very happy and smiley baby, and he loves attention! He is getting very chatting and often squeals with joy- I call it the Mariah Carey! His favorite place is still in arms! He has rolled twice on the same night at just over 3 months... and not again since!? He does sit up for a few seconds though, has strong legs, and squirms all over (just no rolling!). He loves his exersaucer and has a strong grip and really likes holding things.
And the comparison between LJ and Evan......Crazy to me!
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