A peek at our week

We had a very fun and busy week... here are a few of the memorable moments!
LJ basically only has his paci in his bed (during naps or night time). But while shopping on Monday, LJ went digging in my diaper bag and found one! He was so excited- put it in his mouth and looked up at  me so happy and proud of himself!

'Sharing' my smoothie at the gym cafe after doing very well in the child center on Tuesday morning!

Yogurt covered pretzels as an
after nap snack... not the best idea- had a lot of yogurt to clean off of couch, clothes, ottoman, etc afterwards!

Play time with Dad before bed on Wednesday!

Spent Thursday afternoon at a splash pad... and LJ LOVED it! He did not want to get out of the water, and was so happy the whole time we were there!
Playing with Ben and Piper - and making the water splash poor Ben in the face!

Driving home from the splash pad- one happy little man!

Friday morning we met our friends at town lake for a walk- LJ was very excited to see Dylan and Ben. He kept playing with Dylan in the stroller and holding his hand!

Then we went swimming... LJ is enjoying the pool more and more... and asks to swim all the time now! 

Just (Dylan's dad) worked with LJ for a long time on jumping in... LJ is getting pretty bossy and kept insisting on 'again'! Thank goodness Dylan was willing to share his dad!

Dylan flying over LJ....

And LJ flying over Dylan! So fun!!

LJ loves playing with his legos- and his towers are getting pretty high! He did this all by himself!


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