The end of June...

It was a HOT week, but we did a lot! Went swimming several days, made it to music and Little Gym class, had another birthday party, and played inside as much as LJ would let us!

Here are a few moments from our week....

LJ worked up an appetite swimming, and Dylan was very sweet to feed him his grapes. 

Our new nanny, Jamie, sent me these 2 while I was out running errands... apparently he insisted on wearing his hat and these broken glasses for a while they were playing!

Had a fun time at LJ's friend, Addyson's, 2nd birthday party!
Uncle Eagle burying LJ's feet in the sand...

Leaving church with his favorite girls- Lauren and Kate!!

Very busy with a stick....

I say "Smile for the camera" ... and this is what I get!

 Nightly hugging time with his dad!


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