Valentine's Day at the Zoo

Had a wonderful visit from Capi and Gigi this week! They got in Tuesday evening just in time for dinner and some catching  up. We thought they were going to have to leave early Thursday morning, but we ended up getting a whole extra day.

After a less than wonderful Valentine's morning for the boys at the doctor's office (Evan's wellness check and  a follow-up appointment for LJ's ears), we had a fabulous afternoon together at the Zoo.

LJ mesmerized by the HUGE turtles.. 


I wore Evan the whole time- he really enjoyed his first zoo visit!
I just loved the way this leopard was sleeping straddling the log- too funny!

Feeding time- LJ prefers to watch after a goat bit him in the fall!

LJ decided to sit down and watch the baby deer for a bit- it was really cute!

Aggressive eaters! 

All the live animals and LJ loved this statue! Asked to touch it and didn't want to leave it!
Thank you both so much Capi and Gigi-we had a WONDERFUL time!!!!


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