Soccer Tots

LJ has started his first soccer league- Soccer Tots! He and 4 of his friends (Quincy, Dylan, Ben and Eagle Jr) are all in the class, and it might be the cutest thing I have ever gotten to watch! They all did so well- listened very well, followed directions, and they all kicked the ball and made goals!
Evan woke up in time to join us at soccer... 
Getting ready to start... 

Dads even made it!

Evan and Karinna watching all the action

Kids with the great instructor!

I got to hold Locke for a while Laura was with Eagle Jr...

Boys practicing balancing feet on the ball 

All the kiddos had balls and got to kick them into goals- they all did so well! 

Controlled chaos

Getting the ball set to kick... 

Dad's working with the boys...
LJ making a goal!

Cheer at the end of the class- LJ wouldn't put his hand in the mix for some reason! 

- The Wood Family


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