Vacation time!

For my birthday (back in October), Barrett planned to take me on a trip to San Francisco/ Napa Valley at the end of January/ February.  While we originally considered taking the boys and maybe a nanny, we decided this was way too elaborate and expensive for this trip. So we were extremely blessed to have Kelly watch Evan for us, while LJ flew with my brother and his friend Brian to El Paso to spend the weekend with Capi, Gigi, and family there.

Only picture I got of my precious little Evan... my first time away from him- was not easy!

The following pictures are courtesy of Brian and Joe- thanks so much for all you all did with LJ and for these beautiful shots!

LJ hanging out before boarding the plane to El Paso! He was so excited to go to EL Paso- talked about it all week!! 
Time for some playing with the boys out at the hangar! 

LJ sitting in the helicopter with Uncle Joe- his first time in one! 

Having fun with Uncle Joe!

Here is a picture of Gigi and Capi's hangar- with Romeo (their twin Cessna) parked outside 

Inside the hangar- with their T6 Big Red parked

Another shot of the empty hangar- I love that ribbons hanging are still there from our wedding! 

Uncle Joe getting ready for some flying!

Brian's turn!
Cool picture of the city lights from the condo balcony

LJ just as relaxed as he could possibly be flying up to Ruidoso for the day in Romeo...
The last day LJ was out of town, he fell into a glass table and got a cut on his eye! They tried to give him ice, but he just ate it! Poor baby! 
Meanwhile, Barrett and I had an absolutely amazing time together (although we did miss the boys terribly)! We spent Thursday in Napa - went to 4 wineries, and ended at the winery where Barrett actually proposed to me in October of 2008! We never got to do a tasting of their wine since they were closing when he proposed, so we finally got to do that... and the whole place/ just being back there was magical for us!
Palmaz Winery- so beautiful!
Finishing our tasting at Palmaz. Wonderful (and very expensive!) wine! The whole facility was very impressive!! 

Tasting the wine we never got in 2008!
We have these now! 
Back to the 'Scene of the Crime' as Barrett said! Still as beautiful as I remember- if fact, maybe even more so this time!! Barrett proposed right as we entered the gazebo... walking down the bridge gave me the chills!!
Then we headed to San Francisco for a couple days. Wonderful time- went to Mac World (trade show -Barrett's work!), walked all through China town, had an amazing dinner, and ended the trip with a visit to Alcatraz the next day.
Our hotel in San Francisco
San Francisco view from the island... 
On the boat to Alcatraz... 
Pulling up to the island...

Picture of a cell- with a fake person in the bed... 3 people actually successfully escaped from Alcatraz, and this is a replica of what they put in their beds to get through the evening check- crazy!
Bwood behind bars... 

Back home!!! Barrett and I got home late Saturday night- Evan was there waiting for us (well he was asleep!), and LJ flew home with Joe and Brian Sunday morning. LJ loved the 2 gifts Barrett and I brought home for him- a San Francisco cable car and a baseball! We got Evan both too, but will have to wait a while to give them to him- already had to take LJ's baseball away since he quickly threw it a little too close to Evan for our comfort!!

Such a wonderful time, but so happy to be back home as a family!!! Thanks again and again and again to our amazing family for helping this much needed vacation happen!!! 


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