Happy Birthday Eagle Jr

Since we have soccer on Wednesdays, we have been going to eat dinner as a group after class. And since Eagle Jr's 2nd birthday was this Wednesday, we decided it would be a perfect time to have a little mini celebration before his birthday party on Saturday.   But then the kids' soccer class got canceled due to weather! So a last minute and quick change in plans had us all meeting at the Robinson's house for pizza and cupcakes!
Took Eagle Jr his gift since it's bulky- 

All the boys were pretty excited to shoot some hoops!

Kassie holding little Locke!

Playing with the birthday boy!

LJ riding a tricycle around the house... 

Time to sing... 

The friends singing... and Aunt Patsy with us (holding Evan)!!!

kiddos enjoying their cupcakes... 
Who needs utensils?? Not this bday boy!

LJ going to give his cousin a hug... 

Evan fascinated by his toes!
And loving his time with Aunt Patsy.. 

Another hug for the bday boy

Eagle Jr opening a gift... 

LJ checking out what precious little Piper is playing with! 
Got home and gave Evan a little more to eat... 
Happy little monkey!
And LJ kept us entertained while we fed Evan!
 Happy birthday Eagle Jr!!!! We love you and can't wait to celebrate more on Saturday!


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