Evan's half birthday!

Our little Evan is already SIX months old!

6 Month Stats (taken 2-14-13):
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz (50-75%)......................2.5 lb gain
Height: 27 in (50-75%).................................. 2 in taller
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (75-85%)........1.5 cm growth

At 6 months, LJ only weighed 15 lbs 2 oz - Evan continues to be bigger for his age!

Sleep: He still typically takes 3 naps a day with a long 2-3 hr nap mid-day. He gets at least one nap a day in his crib, and often has to get at least one on the go (or else I would never get out of the house!).
He goes to sleep around 8-8:30 pm in his crib, usually wakes once in the middle of the night (although this month we dealt with a major 2-3 week sleep regression where he was up every 2-3 hours- was horrible!), and then sleeps until 7-8 am.

He is eating about the same average number of ounces a day ( between 24-28 ounces), but usually only 5 or 6 bottles a day (so between 4-6 ounces each). As of Evan's 6 month b-day, I am (for 2 days) done pumping breast milk. Until about 2 weeks ago, he was getting about half breast milk and half formula, but now I am doing only one bottle of breast milk a day so we can extend the bm! He should have at least one more month of one bottle a day.  We also increased his nipple to faster flowing ones and found that he gets much less frustrated while drinking his milk (often would scream at us mid-feed, hence his nick name pterodactyl!)
Evan eats 2 meals of food (mostly home-made purees) a day, and I mix in brown rice cereal with one and oatmeal with the other. He has eaten (in this order) sweet potato, butternut squash, apple, sweet peas, banana, mango, pear, and avocado.  He has not refused to eat anything yet, and loves apples and bananas most (and will eat the ones he likes less if I just mix either apples or bananas in it!).

Evan is still just the happiest little guy! He loves attention, smiles at almost anyone who talks to him, and is getting very chatty!

He now:
- Sits up very well on his own- can be trusted to sit alone!
- Laughs out loud, smiles all the time, and especially loves LJ! He thinks LJ is very funny and stares at him, laughs at him, etc all the time! LJ feels the same about Evan!
- lots of babbling/ cooing/ screeching! And just a few days before 6 month bday, we have heard some Ba ba's...
- Still no rolling over! He doesn't like tummy time at all (although we do it every day).
- He has strong legs, loves jumping, loves kicking in the bath tub and splashing. He has not pulled himself up yet, but if you stand him against something (like our ottoman) he will hold on for a long time, balance by himself, and even let go with one hand at a time.
- Can pick up and put his paci in his mouth by himself (noticed a little over a week ago)
- Can push button on sound machine in crib by himself
- Just started not-swaddling  him so we could start sleep training (and because he is so big he often gets himself out of them!). Started with only one arm swaddled and now to both arms out...
- Responds to his name ... and to 'Ewok' (his most popular nick name!)

The photo shoot!


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