Our first visit to Sea World

We took the boys to Sea World in San Antonio (about 1.5 hrs away) for the first time on Sunday. We met several of our friends out there: the Almeidas (Oscar, Karyn, Piper), the McDonnells (Mark, Sang, Ben), and Eagle Sr and Eagle Jr (the Eagles!). It was SO much FUN!! We bought season passes and will definitely be heading back there as often as we can make the trip!

We did not tell LJ about going until he woke up on Sunday morning (mostly because we decided to go Saturday night), so it was a lot of information and excitment in the short time before we hit the road!

Quick video of LJ on the drive up there...

Went straight to say hi to the dolphins- they were so cute and friendly! 


Then off to the big Shamu Show!!! Amazing (probably more for us than LJ!)!

The whole group (minus Sang who was taking the picture!) 

Evan enjoyed it too! 


A stop at the pond to check out all the cool ducks and flamingos...

 They loved feeding the ducks!

Then a long walk from the pond to the dolphins... Eagle Jr and LJ did so good!

Getting ready to feed the dolphins... 

 Piper and LJ- dolphin face in the middle!! They were so cute!

Feeding time!! 

Then off to the aquariums...

LJ was having so much fun- Ben kept saying "Where's Nemo?"- Which LJ decided was the funniest thing ever. So he kept chasing Ben around, and they'd both yell "Where's Nemo?!" and crack up laughing!! So cute!

Eagle Jr - maybe ready for a nap?! Or  just enjoying the scene!

Piper, Eagle Jr, Ben, LJ.... Love!

Outside for a quick picnic before hitting the road back to Austin...

Running up and down the hill... more fun!

So great!!! Can't wait to go again!

- The Wood Family


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