Sick baby Evan

My poor little baby Evan was sick this week! He started being very fussy/ not-himself Sunday evening. We thought either he was getting sick or maybe teething... but when he got up at 5 am, he had a fever of 100.1.

His fever persisted for a couple days, with last one of 99.5 on Tuesday night. He never had any other symptoms, so we are not sure what he had.  He went to the doctor on Tuesday morning, and she thought possibly Roseola. However if it had been, he probably would have had a rash break out after the fever was gone- and we have not seen a rash! While we don't know what it is, I am happy to report he has been fever free since Wednesday morning! Maybe still a little extra needy at times, but I think we are over what ever virus he had!

When he was the worst- with a fever of 101.5 
Monday night- just Evan and I stayed home and had dinner- he was pretty much his happy self as long as on meds! 

Video from dinner-

- The Wood Family


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