Potty Training -Let the Journey Begin!

Please wish us luck... we have begun potty training!  :)

Friday we started by watching Potty Time, the Signing Time video about potty training, and we let him open his new potty training book, My Big Boy Potty. He liked both, and they did a good job explaining the concepts! I also showed him the reward stickers and chart that he will get to use when he goes potty.
We have 4 potty options for LJ, two seats that go over our big potties, and two kid potties. The one on the bottom is a portable potty that we can use on the go. Sacks go in it, and they gel like diapers, so we can just toss the sack after he goes! This will be great for me because I hate public bathrooms!

On Saturday morning, we started telling LJ that we would be using the potty and no more diapers after his nap. We talked about it all morning trying to get him excited etc... Showed him some of his undies-he liked them and kept asking to wear them.... But...

This is how he wanted to wear them! He kept saying "Are these all my new hats!?" Oh no!

Then after nap time, we arranged all his 'gear' in the guest room for him to come check out... Again just trying to make this whole thing exciting!

LJ looking through all his stuff... 

He got to pick which undies he wore all day. These batman undies were his first choice (lasted all of 15 mins!). 

This is how we spent most of Saturday night and Sunday!! 

LJ after he put his first sticker on his chart... we are about 5 in now! 

Saturday, since LJ had a long nap, training was really only from almost 5 pm until 7:10 pm (bath time)...
First hour, he sat on potty 3 times but never actually went (although claimed to have gone 2 of the times he sat there- started yelling I went pee pee!).  We went through 3 undies, and each time he peed, he immediately came to tell me where there was pee pee!
He's not super crazy about sitting on the potty, but does love his undies...

Sunday was a very long day! I realized he really doesn't have a grasp on the feeling of having to go potty. So we basically just sat there until he really pee peed (not just said he did!), and let him learn! Very exhausting! But we did have some successes! Three times he came running up to us and said, "We better go to the potty!!" And he actually went one of the times. But we had many accidents- including a number 2 in the undies (so gross!).

Moving forward, we will continue doing potty training 'sessions'. When we are home, we will try to practice wearing undies and going potty every 15-30 minutes. But we will still use diapers until I think he has a better understanding!

I will update with progress- and again, please wish us luck!!! Thanks!

- The Wood Family


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