Swim, Gymnastics, and Soccer - Spring 2016

After moving to Cedar Park, we got the boys in 3 'extracurricular activities'... Swim and Gymnastics on Thursday mornings, and soccer on Saturday mornings. They really seemed to enjoy all three! Ellie was usually surprisingly patient during their classes, although sometimes she had more crazy days! But usually she would walk around, have some snacks, and play! 

Here are some pictures from all three activities the last two months, and there are some videos at the end of swim and gymnastics! 

Evan swimming... 
LJ floating... He flew through the first 5 stations of Nitro 1! 
Evan was a little slower to warm-up to swim classes, but he ended up making through station 3 (will be on station 4 next time we go!). 
I think she likes swim the most because she has a clear view to watch her brothers! 

 LJ swimming on his back...  this is new, and he is doing very well! 
 LJ had such great swim! He mastered swimming on his back for 10 yards, and moved through to station 6 where he starts focusing on his stroke (see video at end). 
Ellie did a lot of Skinny Pop snacking during swim! 

 Evan is on Station 3b.. he is working on his dive here...

Gymnastics! The boys are in two different classes (by age) but at the same time! Evan's class is 45 minutes, and LJ's is an hour.  They all warm up together, and then the classes separate. There is one other boy in Evan's class, and other than him, my boys are the only boys! But they love it, and they're doing great! 
Group warm-up:

LJ on the far left... 

Evan climbing the wall: 
 LJ's turn...

 You can tell these boys jump a LOT! They are great on the tramp!! 

Evan doing a forward roll...  
  Some days Ellie's patients starts to expire towards the end of gymnastics (why I don't have more pictures and videos!)! Thank goodness there was a ball to entertain her some days! Usually it's only the water-fountain which is pretty exhausting for me!! 

 Silly girl!  

Here are some videos of boys doing swim and gymnastics. I am sad I didn't get better/ more video, but Ellie didn't make it easy!!! 



Soccer Cubs... Evan is in red.

  LJ in black... 
Evan manages to get special treatment everywhere we go!! This coach often holds his hand for a lot of the class, and he always sits on her lap!! He loves her (and it may be mutual!). 

LJ in black...
Scrimmage at the end of practice... LJ did great! 

Ellie keeping herself entertained on the bleachers! 


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