Sesame Street Live

LJ and Evan got to see their first live musical performance- Sesame Street Live! LJ was awe-struck by all the big characters!!

And Evan was pretty amazed too!

Probably the highlight for LJ- he got to give Elmo a high - five!! He is still talking about this!!
We had great seats- the characters kept passing by us!
LJ's friend Dylan gave Snuffy a piece of pop corn- it was too cute!! 

Barrett got LJ this $10 Elmo balloon!! He didn't realize it was going to be so much, and then couldn't not buy it! Hope it stays inflated for a while!! 

The tot-clan hanging during intermission!! 

LJ's friends were dancing in the isle, so we let him out of his seat to do the same... but he just ran straight for the stage!! AHHH! 
Fun fun fun for LJ!!

- The Wood Family


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