Sick Kids... :(

We had a very sick and secluded week around our house at the end of April/ beginning of May! 
After I had all kids at the doctor with me for Ellie's 18 month well check one Thursday afternoon (where everyone was well, or so I thought!), Evan got a fever that evening. He had no other symptoms really, so I wasn't too concerned. But the next morning, Ellie slept very late, and when she finally woke up, she too had a fever. When she woke up from her nap, she hadn't had any ibuprofen, and she was burning up and miserable. I also felt a little scratch in my throat and was very concerned so I took the whole family to a minor emergency clinic. They tested Evan and Ellie for the flu, and Evan came back positive. Ellie was negative, but they put her and me on Tamaflu along with Evan saying it was extremely likely that's what we had. We had our flu shots, but apparently this is an extraordinarily long flu season and some aren't working anymore! Boo! 

Also, as many non- pediatric doctors seem to do, this one took a look in Ellie's ear and said she had an ear infection. I think maybe it was just not great looking and red, but he put her on an antibiotic as well. Her fever continued up while we were there, and using an ear thermometer (NOT best option for a baby with an ear infection as the ear could be several degrees higher when infected), they got a reading of 104!!! None of my kids had ever had a fever this high, so I got a little scared. They wouldn't let us leave until it went down, so we gave her tylenol (which she threw up but maybe got some down?), and we did cool rags until she was at around 100 degrees. It was an unexpectedly awful evening! 

My very sick baby girl at the clinic. 
Ellie woke up much better on Saturday, and we were almost fever free the entire day.... I was feeling optimistic... except she had horrible diaper rash, and I realized he legs and nose were starting to get bumps too... and she kept saying 'teeth' and pointing in her mouth. Well, I realized after she went to bed, that this 'spreading diaper rash' was probably Hand-Foot-Mouth! When she woke up on Sunday with more bumps and just miserable looking, I was almost certain! But I took her to the doctor to be sure and see what I could do to help her. 

Ellie, Evan, and I went to the doctor on Sunday morning while LJ and Barrett went to church! 

Evan was back to his happy self and fever free at this point, but we kept him home for a few more days to be sure we didn't spread the flu! 
You can see the rash on her nose... poor baby had bumps all inside her mouth and down her throat too! Doctor said is was an AWFUL case of hand-foot-mouth :(

Kids all having fun that evening doing bubbles in the yard with dad! 
Ellie wasn't her happiest self, but she was doing pretty great considering how many AWFUL bumps/ blisters she had ALL OVER HER BODY! 

Sunday evening was probably the peak of the blisters forming... they were everywhere and so gross! Poor baby girl!!! Below are a few pictures of the horrible blisters- sorry for anyone who doesn't want to see it! I was shocked at how quickly they got SO bad!!! They were all over the tops and bottoms of her feet, her mouth/nose/ chin, he hands and fingers, and her legs (especially upper legs and behind knees) and all over her bottom. We had a special mouth wash and diaper cream with numbing agents to help with pain, kept her on ibuprofen, and had an antibiotic ointment to put on any open blisters. UGH! 

Her lips were even blistered and swollen :(
Monday morning, she was looking better. Some of the blisters were already starting to scab, and new ones didn't seem to be popping up anymore. SO then it just became a seclusion and wait to heal game! And disinfecting EVERYTHING in our house!! 
Her hands and feet definitely had the most painful looking blisters. 
We got a lot of quality time together hanging around our house! 
She loved her popsicles! 
And she spent a lot of time coloring with LJ! 

The rest of the week she got better every day, but it was a long lasting gross virus!! We kept her home for 10 full days (didn't even go to drop off or pick up for boys) until all the blisters were absolutely gone/ popped. Two weeks later, her feet were still peeling, so I kept her in tights when we go out! I hope we built up some immunity to this nasty virus and don't have to see it again!!  Apparently, by age 5, most kids have built up some immunity, and it is rarely ever seen in people over the age of 10. 

Praying for a healthy rest of May!!! 


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