'Pretend Birthdays' at HOPE

Every Wednesday morning is Chapel at HOPE, and at the end of Chapel, they celebrate any kids'  birthdays for the week. Since Evan has a summer birthday, his teacher said they would like to celebrate his birthday at Chapel during the year. Evan has never had a birthday celebration at school, and he was beyond excited!!! So Evan's 'Pretend Birthday' was set for April 20!

During Chapel, they bring all the birthday kids up on stage to sing to them, then they get to pick a prize out of a huge bag, and they also get to celebrate in their classroom later. Evan made a special crown to wear during chapel, and he asked for chocolate chip cookies for his class treat! 

Evan in the middle of the picture below wearing his crown!! He was so excited for this day and talked about it all month!!
 First they do the Chapel lesson... 
 Barrett and Ellie at Chapel! Ellie and I go most weeks, but of course if her dad is there, she will insist on sitting with him!! 

 Singing to the birthday kids! 
 He seemed so serious! 
 Showing his teacher, Ms. Laura, the bubbles he picked! 
 There goes our 'Pretend Birthday Boy"! 

And then the next month, LJ's teacher suggested we have one for LJ too since the class did not get to celebrate his birthday in October. So LJ got to make his crown and was also so excited for his 'pretend birthday!'  His was on May 11.  LJ took rice crispy treats with M&Ms... 

 LJ walking into Chapel with his crown on! He was so proud of his crown! He made it the Monday before and told me all about it! 

 Ellie on her dad's lap!! 

 Singing to the birthday kids... 
 Two successful pretend birthdays!!! Yay!!! 

Here is a quick 2 minute video with clips from both Evan AND LJ's pretend birthday celebrations in chapel! 


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