Catch Air Visits

We had two Catch Air visits in one week! We are spoiled!!! 
First one was a play date with a new mom's group I joined. They have play dates every Tuesday, which works so well for our schedule! Kids love this place, and they got a great price for it!! There are SO many fun things to do... I think the boys ran for a full hour going from thing to thing before stopping for water! Ellie also had blast! We'd only been once before, and she seemed to really love it this time! 


Then on Friday, all the kids from LJ's preschool class at WHPP (who were out of school a week earlier than us!), had a little end of year party at Catch Air too! I pulled the boys out of school a little early to go to the party- and they were so excited!! I wanted LJ to get to celebrate with the kids he had spent the up to three years at school with! 


We got a party room and had a cute little celebration for all the 'pre-school graduates'! Such sweet kiddos- so glad we did this!  


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