Easter 2020

Definitely a different Easter for us- and everyone- but we still had a great time (despite missing our extended family). 

Cedar Park went under a Tornado Warning, so Barrett woke the family up at 5:45 am so we could be prepared to get in the closet under the stairs if needed! We were all half asleep on the couch watching the updates for 15 minutes, when the news guy announced, "It's over- get out of your safe places! I repeat, it's over. All is fine!" 

Well, of course, the kids were up at that point! When I said Happy Easter, they (seemingly having forgotten what day is was!) went in search of their Easter Baskets. AND they found them!! They told me Easter Bunnies don't get the Corona Virus- great news! 

Baskets that the kids found! 
 They got busy right away searching through the treats from the Easter Bunny!
 I took a nap, and they went to get donuts. 
 After a great church service (streamed in), we got ready for our egg hunt. Each kid got to collect 30 eggs plus a bonus yellow egg with their name on it (hidden a little more than the rest!). 

 Ready to go!

 Off they go!

 Skye dog being very helpful! 

 Bella thinks it's time to give lots of kisses when I try to do core work or stretching! 

We also snuck in a good bike ride, and then headed down to Westlake for an afternoon birthday parade for our dear friend Karyn! 

A different Easter for sure, but we managed to have a pretty great day under these weird circumstances!! 

Here's a little time lapse of our egg hunt! 


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